I recently caught up with a friend on what was supposed to be a quick call. True to our usual “catching up,” the call lasted over an hour. Lots of laughter, exchanges of recent personal news, and sharing of opinions on current headlines filled our conversation. We had a good time! Before we hung up, we affirmed each other with simple words. And without fail, some hilarious comment escorted us off the call.

Good people, with good intentions, and good character are difficult to find. The moment you find them, no matter where or when, you treasure them. More often than not, the relationship that ensues helps mold each of you into your better selves, without pretense. Good people don’t have to profess to others that they’re good. It’s their lifestyle. They help to talk you out of your fears, and they bring you to tears with their continuous practice of letting you know you matter.

God orchestrates time and space to position good people, with good intentions, and good character along our paths. I treasure my good friend, our long-distance phone calls, and our occasional visits over the years. I also treasure the other good friends in my circle. We bring each other joy. Take an inventory of your circle and your heart. With each person occupying dominant space in your life, ask yourself two questions. Does that relationship produce joy in your heart? Or does the relationship disrupt your peace? Take the inventory, ask the questions, and brace yourself for the discovery. It’s worth it.

“Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice.”– Proverbs 27:9

“Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”– 1 Corinthians 15:33

2 thoughts on “Good People

  1. Good friends are like gemstones (precious) . They know how to bring the best out of you. I am thankful for the blessing of great friends. I too have friends that live in other states. We find the time to check on each other. We respect each other, true friends are valuable.
    Thank God for His gift , work of art, friends.

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